e-Learning CPSM Recruitment / Termination / Meeting the GroundWorks
Recruiting must always be in accordance with the organization's strategy. Competency criteria required for any position will change drastically over time as changes in the strategy occur, in the environment, and in the company culture.
How will you use a resource recruited for certain skills which may become redundant at a later stage?
What is the answer to keeping the employee motivated and productive?
What is the right approach and criteria to hire?
Utilize a powerful system of selecting candidates
Recognize signs of decline and the steps taken
Establish relevant criteria importance for characteristics in an interview
Recognize how to correct the situation when the salesperson isn't meeting expectation
If you have more than (2 )years in a sales supervisory or a sales management position you will be eligible to take an exam online. (WIN Sales & Marketing Exam)
If you successfully pass the exam you will be granted a certification. Alternatively, a Certificate of attendance will be presented to you
Sales Managers & Directors who are looking to increase their team's overall performance. Sales professionals new or considering a career move into a managerial role