This module's index includes:
1. Introduction
2. Organizational Behaviour : Organization Structure
3. Leadership: Cultural Change
4. Leadership: Learning Organizations
5. Leadership: Organizational Effectiveness
6. Leadership: Strategy, Structure, and Culture
7. Leadership: Succession Plans
Additional Details:
1- Length: 3 Weeks
2- Effort: 6–8 hours per week
3- Study method: Self-paced on your time
4- Duration: approximately 20 Hours
5- Coaching sessions with a Leadership expert (optional) : Attend 2 sessions with a coach
6- Material covered: 6 videos, 6 podcasts, 4 exercises, 3 handouts
7-Entry Requirements: Modules 1 and 2 are pre-requisites
This module's main objectives are to allow you to make the best use of your company's blueprint, to develop a leader vision and to match the organizational or departmental culture with your requirements for success
As a manager you will learn:
o To recognize and embrace different cultures and select the most relevant for the organization or the department
o To decipher the organizational structure and gain a full understanding of your company
o To reflect on the language and the environment of the organizational culture and encourage the shift towards a learning organization
o To interpret and share the vision and direction of your company and reassess them regularly
Who should attend? Senior Managers, Managers, Middle Managers, Supervisors, and Future Managers from all departments