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With A Little Help From Friends…

With A Little Help From Friends…

It’s funny how our minds make connections. Over the Holidays, I couldn’t get the phrase, ‘with a little help from my friends’ out of my head. No matter where I went, that phrase kept popping into my head.

During the Christmas vacation I visited Leyland, UK. In the 1870’s, Leyland was known as the “Garden of Lancashire.”  Hewitson writes in 1872 that Leyland has a “genial, rural appearance…surrounded on all hands by a unique picture of pastoral beauty – by flowers and fruitful flocks, by blooming orchards… by grand old trees and fertile lands…you can breathe freely in the place.” The growth of the light engineering rubber and motor vehicle industries in the latter part of the 19th century changed Leyland in particular.

One local success story is that of The Leyland Steam Motor Company, founded in 1901 by James Sumner and the Spurrier brothers.  This was a significant and successful partnership and the company evolved into the world renowned Leyland Motors.  Now known as Leyland Trucks (part of Paccar), the company celebrated its 110th anniversary in 2006. “With a little help from (its) friends”, Leyland Trucks made it to the 110th anniversary of its founding and is still going strong!

Later as I walked the grounds of Worden Park, a destroyed Manor Hall, I was fortunate to pass by a Georgian walled garden which has been restored to show the wonderful working gardens that would have served the Hall. In this garden I discovered a Cedar of Lebanon “Cedrus Libani”. This tree, like the Leyland Steam Motor Company, has seen over hundred years and been buffeted by the winds of time and change. It too has been supported by the same people that supported Leyland Steam Motor Co. – the people of Leyland! No entity whether a business or a tree can stand that long without “a little help from its friends”…

So then, if your company – or your garden – is to last one-hundred years and more like those in Leyland, what will be needed to ensure success? Employees will retire and new ones will need to be hired. Those new employees will need to be trained and over the course of time, taught new skills to meet the new demands of the marketplace. Just like Leyland Steam Motors, your company will need ‘a little help from friends’. When the time comes, WIN Programs would be happy to lend a hand…


Sign ‘Cedar of Lebanon’, Worden Park, U.K.                                       The Tree Itself, With ‘Support’ From Friends


Photo Credits: L. Loizidou


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Cost of Hiring Failure – Infographic

The Costs of Failure in the Hiring Process

Want to save time and money quickly?  How about grow your business sustainability?  Hiring the right people makes all the difference and the following infographic illustrates the potential costs of failure.  Call WIN Sales & Marketing today and we’ll help you set-up a proper screening process in minutes…

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Follow 5 rules to avoid hiring sales people that won’t perform

Follow Five Rules to Avoid Hiring Sales People That Will Not Perform

When clients are feeling the urgency to hire a sales people they are expecting too many candidates from ads posting or head-hunters and in most of the cases they overlooked that quality of candidates will make or break their business.

In this case, “more” would mean more like the ones they already have instead of more like the stronger ones they said they wanted to hire…
Change the way you select new candidate have a huge impact on the business and it becomes crucial to set up the rules that will lead you to Hire Stronger yet stars sales people, sales supervisors, sales managers and also senior business developer for corporate market.

There are many possible reasons why a large percentage of sales people candidates that you will assess or meet are not being a good fit to your business, you will not discover that before you engaged them. To avoid a very expensive bill, you have to evaluate your Sales Ghost before including in your offering the following crucial elements that will attract the best sales people.


Here are some to consider:


Clients expect at least half of the candidates to be recommended and are frustrated to have very few that are worth hiring in their pipeline. Few choices mean constraints.


Clients often set the difficulty level of the job really high, hoping to get an extremely strong salesperson. But they fail to change the compensation, keeping it the same as what they were paying mediocre salespeople. The result is that only mediocre salespeople apply for the position.


Criteria that only a strong, experienced sales people could possibly possess is included in the job posting. But so is compensation consistent with a mediocre salesperson. Result? A reduction in the overall number of candidates because the pool of candidates who meet both the criteria AND can live with the limited compensation is very small.

From the same Industry?

Organizations often demands to hire sales people from their industry. For some reason, the very people who feel that way tend to be from the industries that have the worst salespeople. Nobody gets recommended!

Sales people Profiling

Organizations create an image of the salesperson that makes it sound like profiling. They require someone dynamic, motivated, with a degree, minimum years’ of experience, well-dressed, professional, and trustworthy. What does all that have to do with selling effectiveness? They forget the sales centric and predictive criteria’s that are the elements of a successful sales person selection.


If you want better salespeople, you need to do the work to make sure you attract better salespeople and use a Sales Hiring Mistake Calculator.


Hiring like you always did and begin using very specific assessment tool from the sales industry and not IQ or profile assessment but select the best ones that are sales centric assessments.

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6 Tips to Find Strong Sales People in a Poor Environment

Sales people are of the utmost importance to a firm

Ultimately, they are the ones responsible for driving the sales of the company. This is why caution sould be exercised when hiring sales people.

Hiring ineffective sales people is of no use to a company, but evaluating the skill of a salesperson during the time of recruitment can be very difficult. In times of financial difficulty and in poor environments, recruiters have no idea how good a salesperson actually is. This is because most of the recruits will not have prior experience and gainful employment in harsh economic and social conditions. Here are some tips to help you hire sales people easily and efficiently. Selecting the best is tricky and should trail the following rules:

Sales people Assessment

Screening candidates for interview is not enough to identify the strongest ones, it gives you direction of what they achieved, where they worked but never what they can and will achieve within your organization if you hire them.  Using a proven sales assessment tool is essential to uncover the candidate’s abilities to sell, grow, and achieve like a rain maker.

Crucial Findings 

  1. The first rule to identify strong sales people in a poor environment is to look into their desire and commitment to do the job for you.
  2. The second rule is to figure out if they can grow, if they are trainable and coachable to ensure their ability to achieve their sales target on a monthly basis.

The above rules are important because every organization wants to hire the best but they might not be able to afford the best. In this situation, it is better to screen the potentials as shown above.

Simulate a situation during face to face interview

You don’t need to look at a salesperson’s past experiences if you can simulate a situation that they will be facing in the position they are being interviewed for. You can get recruiters to act as potential clients and customers to whom the interviewee must pitch. This is one of best assessment effectiveness methods as you can gauge the communication skills, people skills and ethics of the candidate. Recruiters involved in sales people hiring also get to see how well the candidate performs under pressure.

Carefully note sales people interview responses

 Even in a poor environment, you will always have a number of candidates. Make sure you have initial filtering sessions where candidates are eliminated also based on their communication and written skills. After this, you must carefully note their appearance, bearing and responses to see if they have all the qualities to become excellent salespeople. First and foremost, they must be dressed well – not shabbily and not gaudily either and they must exude confidence and calmness. Contrary to popular belief, salespeople must be modest, curious and polite and not brash and aggressive. Taking mental aptitude tests is also a great way to improve sales people assessment effectiveness.

 Keep your questions vague

 A sign of a good salesperson is how he/she picks up what is not being said but implied, understanding exactly what is needed. When you are interviewing candidates, make sure to keep your questions vague and open to see if the candidates are able to figure out what you are looking for. Candidates need to think harder and need to be smart about their answers when confronted with such open questions, but it is a great way to understand how quick and sharp the candidates are.

Finally score them

Classify the candidates screened, assessed and interviewed from the highest to the lowest score for an easy final decision and always use the Sales Ghost Calculator to find how much a bad hire will cost your organization.

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Why Sales Performers are Hard to Find?

Discover the latest Sales Hiring Tools that organization need nowadays to stop selecting weak sales performers

Register for Our February 26th Webinar


“What Percentage of Sales Candidates are Worthy of Being Hired?”


Dave Kurlan, Founder and CEO of Objective Management Group. Dave will lead you through a 45-minute session that walks existing OMG clients through our Candidate Analyzer – a web tool for sorting and filtering their candidates that have already been assessed.

This LIVE webinar will be held on February 26, 2014, 11:00am-12:00pm USA Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5).

Please fill in your contact information below, and we will email you instructions for joining the webinar. Thank you!

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With A Little Help From Friends…
Follow 5 rules to avoid hiring sales people that won’t perform
Why Sales Performers are Hard to Find?