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Sales Training Impact on sales representative and organizations

Sales training has catalytic effect on performance of a sales representative ability to boost dramatically his career and income.

Acquiring a Sales Certification ramp up, based on research, sales representative on the job 50% faster than their peers and can save a company over $100,000 in hiring and development costs in the first 18 months on the job.

One of the many reasons why people go in for sales is the rewards in astounding sales career. Once you are fully equipped with necessary tools and strategies, sky is the limit. There are endless opportunities and a proper Sales certification prepares you for tackling all minor and major challenges in your sales career.Formal sales training equips sales representative to learn the details involved in sales closing.


Advantages of sales training

Acquiring a sales training certification In highly competitive sales environment, and standing out from the crowd is crucial nowadays One of the most effective tools to stand out from the crowd is acquiring experience, skills or educations which are lacked by an ordinary sales representative. A certification in sales is the best way to ahead with your sales career and surely support each one of you to get better opportunities. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced one, a sales certification is an excellent refreshing tool to further your career in sales. It provides you with a needed set of skills and techniques in a very short time period as per the convenience of learners.


A Sales Management Certification program will get you an edge in

–   Implementing change management strategies
–   Enhancing efficiency of your sales team by implementing effective Sales Management techniques
–   Applying talent management processes to build a passionate and dynamic sales team that differentiates your organization from the competition
–   Enabling you to create result oriented job profile, design compensation plans, conduct interviews effectively and select potential sales candidates.


Major Areas Covered by Sales Certification Program Covers

Sales certificate program covers all vital area necessary for robust sales performance such as;

–   Sales Management Styles
–   Leadership in-Sales-Management
–   Change Management
–   Operation Management Tools
–   Talent Management
–   Territory Management


Features of Sales Certificate Programs

Various Sales training programs are designed keeping in view industry specific requirements. These are focused towards enabling sales representative to realize their sales potential; here’s what make these programs to be preferred by all;

–   Duly recognized
–   Flexible
–   Current
–   Online Sales training

Online technologies have enabled sales professionals to overcome the biggest restraint in availing sales training; the time barrier. With this sales professionals are able to hone their skills without worrying about time restraints. Web-based sales certificate programs are flexible are focused on enhancing overall skills set of sales representative. With online sales training programs, upgrading sales skills needs nothing more than an efficient computer system, internet connection and chosen sales training program. With an industry specific sales certification program professionals can hone their sales skills and deliver best performance thereby enabling them to advance their career despite all odds.


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Sales Careers Tips to Successfully Reach the Top

Sales careers is a passion of every person that thrives to reach the summit. Presidents sell their ideas and win voters. CEO’s sell their vision and wins the buy-in of their employees… Having a successful Sales career means you are powerful, communicative, a rain maker and winner.what you need to success in sales careers ?

The world of business revolves around sales because everything that is manufactured and purchased has to be sold. The diversity of paths and positions that are available in the sales careers is truly amazing.

Despite sales spanning all industries, jobs in the sales sector demand professional sales skills and a viable sales process. A great salesperson needs to act as a sales consultant , be confident, social, intuitive, communicative, and persistent.

Sales careers Rules to follow:

  1. Prove to your employers a fiery passion for selling
  2. Prove to employers that your are a sales professional
  3. Show previous success sales stories  
  4. Show future possible action that you can take to make business succeed.
  5. Holds sales profession as an important place in your career wishing to be always ahead for a profession in sales and marketing.
  6. Prove ultimate qualities as to talent, intelligence, resourcefulness, and objective driven sales professionalism.

Sales Careers in practice:

Text books may coach a salesperson the principles and theory of how to close sales deals profitably, but it requires ingenuity and continuous practical experience to hone the tasks involved.

 As sales guru Harvey Mackay “You don’t go to school once for a lifetime; you’re in school all of your life.” It has been rightly claimed that sales is sales.

If one can sell something well in an industry, one can conduct sales just as efficiently in another industry. This is a peculiar yet interesting fact about sales careers and there is considerable overlap in the belief. 

Creative Selling role in sales careers

Every sales person thrives to climb higher in his organization and creative selling can guarantee each one goal. Creative selling in sales careers should include the following: 

  • Establishing and implementing creative plans and policies for enhancing territory management, market share, team selling skills, inbound marketing and working in close collaboration with other strategic managers to support sales production.
  • Developing sales initiatives, guiding them to top management for new products development, new advertising campaigns to counterpart the competition, share above and below marketing ideas to win distribution network and final consumers.
  • Organizing and supervising sales activities in different geographical regions, in accordance with the acceptable customer standards
  • Monitoring merchandizing by coordinating the efforts of other salespersons, agents, and distribution
  • Guiding sales methods, setting prices, and credit arrangements
  • Thinking always outside the box to reach objectives satisfying distribution network, consumers and employers

Passion for sales and money

Want to make the most possible money in sales? Stick with service-related industries or market big-ticket, high-margin items sold to businesses, rather than consumers.

It is normal to appraise salespersons on over target achievement against preset objectives of the company.

Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that there are 276,290 salespersons selling financial services in New York and Connecticut, the best states for persons interested in sales careers. These people have to accept that salaries will fluctuate between industries;

  • $38,600 at the start as a sales rep to $56,500 annually including other perks.
  • One can expect a raise of $3,000 per year.
  •  This sector is expected to grow well through 2014.

The forces of positive thinking and the gloom of pessimism in the turbulent era make one apprehensive about the future of sales careers. It is in your interest not to consider sales as the “ultimate default career” and take it in the earnestness that it deserves.

Here’s a look at eight sales jobs where your base salary and commissions could add up to six figures: 


Base Salary


Consulting Sales  $120,000 to $250,000  $25,000 to $3 million 
Consumer Packaged Goods Sales  $150,000 to $180,000 : $100,000 to $150,000 
Digital Media Sales  $170,000 to $180,000  $130,000 to $220,000 
Medical-Device Sales  $0 to $70,000  $200,000 to $300,000 
Outsourced Services  $150,000 to $200,000 $200,000 to $500,000 
Software Sales  $80,000 to $100,000  $250,000 to $1 million 
Startup Business Development $150,000  Unlimited 
Telecommunications Sales  $70,000 to $100,000 $100,000 to $200,000 

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6 Sales force development rules to achieve more with less

How the sales force can achieve more? why most of them always fail? what should be done to turn on your sales machine?

Lots of crucial questions need to be raised to face the 2013 challenge, if you need to stand still and
grow your sales. Answering your questions is simple if you implement the following rules.

Rule 1: Be Consistent in developing your sales force instead of tight budgets

There is many ways to create a sustainable sales force whatever is your budget. There are plenty of  on-line sales training for sales people, live sales webinars or classrooms sales programs that should fit your budget. The only rule you have to follow is to invest in the sales force all year long and be consistent!

Rule 2: Never stop spending to boost your sales machine

Would you drive your car without fuel? what makes you think you can grow your sales without investing in your sales team? you must find time and money to plan  sales programs that fits your schedule, and your company needs.

Rule 3: Create an in-house sales academy whatever is your sales force size

Among the most valuable benefits of the sales academy that you can you implement in-house is the ability to deliver regular sales solutions whenever you sales team needs it in a very cost effective, consistent and personalized manner on regular basis. Focused sales development solutions will surely leads to sales performance optimization.

Rule 4: Never Recruit new blood without a sales assessment tool

Selection of new sales people is crucial step and a hassle to most of companies. Put in place:

  1. a full skills evaluation for new recruit
  2. a sales developmentInduction program for new recruits
  3. a 2 days self study sales programs along with coaching sessions for new recruits
  4. a 90 days ramp up program with Key performance indicators
  5. an online 24/7 studies self-online sales programs  for 90 days for reinforcement.

Rule 5: Link the performance of the sales force to the sales programs frequency 

Accountability is the first thing that motivate human and your sales team. Link your sales academy program to their performance. let them become accountable. Imagine yourself the chief of an orchestra, any move you do is followed closely by your team. Accordingly the better is sales academy design the better they perform.

Rule 6: Don’t forget We are all working with human being not machines.

We should expect deficiencies and work to fix that accordingly. Always look at you ratios to add, minimize, refine or sales academy tools in coordination with the sales team performance. To help them do thing differently to achieve, you should:

    1. set an accountability system
    2. monitor them accordingly
    3. coach them closely
    4. be always available for them
    5. give them faith in their abilities
    6. be their reference
    7. be credible
    8. be consistent

you can use for free the below sales force calculator to identify how you can improve your sales force. Enjoy!

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Increase Sales Performance Using Technology

Increase sales performance of your sales force is probably your number one priority in 2017. How are you going to achieve that in an a global recession environment and with companies shrinking budgets year after year? What are you going to do differently?

In such environment, sales force need to work more to achieve or work smartly. Here some ideas that we believe will help a sales force to increase sales performance on the go:


Get a smart phone or a tablet

Be all day long connected is the rule number one, to be proactive and interact quickly:

–   To clients and prospects
–   Access easily your social network for data mining
–   Follow web based sales training
–   Get you sales manager sales coaching tips
–   Be fast, beat your competition


Use powerful data mining as a compass whenever you need it

Identify all possible segments of prospects within a region or an area . Address each segment with a personalized sales pitch. Using data mining to identify groups of potential clients like:

– that offers the most powerful and sophisticated tools for extracting value from Social Data. imagine
– that helps the sales force build relationships and access executives in a whole different way.
– that is a powerful and easy to use platform that quickly adds social media contact information to your database and CRM system.


Leads generation

–   Inbound marketing and social networking activity two hours a week at least create hot leads, boost sales performance and shorten the sales cycle
–   Invite your employee to follow the company activities and leave comments


Sales training on the go

Nowadays, sales performance is impacted by regular sales training, sales coaching and follow up. Sales people can spend few days per year in a classroom but need to spend at least 1 hour a week in sales training, follow up and sales coaching to boost performance.

Sales people are under pressure all year long,specially in these though times, they don’t have the time to spend hours of training in classroom. Though, they can easily follow :

–    On-line sales trainings any time they can, in the evening, at the airport, in the car to refresh their selling potential

–    Or Live sales training webinars to follow trends and new sales techniques and interact with sales experts for better sales performance.

Sales Coaching on time

The sales force should interact with clients all day long. Long sales meeting to coach our sales force is time consuming and a luxury, but unfortunately crucial to the our sales growth. Some web based platform are excellent to help sales managers do the job remotely.

an example or  Sales Coaching, provides real-time feedback on the leading indicators that determine actual sales results, delivered on a cloud and mobile platform that lets sales managers collaborate with their team on each goal, deal by deal, to ensure successful growth, quarter over quarter.

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5 sales strategies to prevent organisations from collapsing

Sales force must use five sales strategies to face a tougher competition,better educated clients and fierce economic recession.

Organizations face stagnant or decreasing sales try sometimes to search for other markets and products to face the challenges while  new sales strategies approach are available to answer though market situation  Sales force must change change their way of approaching clients to prevent from collapsing in the coming 5 years.

A study , by Mc. Kinsey quarterly , show that Organizations identified three primary sales trends:

  1. Customers have become more demanding
  2. Companies are exploring lower-cost ways to make clients happier and to generate sales growth.
  3. Organizations large and small are following the lead of business-to-consumer such as by making smarter use of customer data to predict behaviour drive sales


Organizations are requested to adapt and face the market changes and modify their sales approach to prevent from collapsing in the coming 5 years.

For this matter we detect 5 sales strategies to help the sales force increasing their sales.

Strategy 1- New Prospecting

Finding leads is harder, it takes nowadays more than 15 times to reach a CEO. Cost per lead are higher and time consuming struggling. That is why in the last decade organizations change their way of searching for leads and approaching them. Leading organisations takes actions through the following list of prospecting sales strategies:

      • Attract on-line traffic to their web through blogging, seo, social networking
      • Insert call to actions to their articles and websites
      • Use networking techniques on LinkedIn, Facebook Google, etc.. to get in touch with maximum prospects
      • Write article on their Blog and communicate daily with social media through platforms like hootesuite
      • Educate leads and customers
      • Bring the best of the industry trends and news to position themselves as leader in their field and beat their competition.
      • All the above mentioned actions if used all together will boost a high volume of interested hot leads to the sales force.

Strategy 2- Approaching leads never been that easy!

Usually, whenever the sales force receive a request, they get in touch with fresh hot leads using classical mediums such as  phone and emails. While nowadays it is much more easy and powerful to keep in touch with prospects all the day long through social network, Skype or Google  and be able to reach them at any time. One the sales strategies approach is the mix between all the following mediums to bond with your audience:

  • by phone,
  • mail,
  • skype
  • Social network LinkedIn, Facebook…
  • and direct smooth interaction becomes king!

Strategy 3-  Have a sales conversation strategy and follow-up

The management of the incoming leads is crucial. If you received a request from a lead it means that your solutions, products or services are needed. When you reach this point, the questions that you should be asking yourself are:

  • How to convert leads to clients?
  • What are the questions you should be asking to identify quickly in the process their compelling reasons to buy?
  • How much they are willing to pay?
  • Who is the decision maker ?
  • When they want to buy?And why?

What if the sales force approach prospects with a great sales conversation but they are not ready to buy now?

Strategy 4- Nurturing leads strategy for 30% increase in future sales

Nurturing leads that are not ready to buy becomes a crucial step in the new selling 2.0. keeping the conversation going with prospects is essential to be present when they are ready to buy.

Today there is on the market many platforms that help you design and nurture your leads and prospects without a hassle. Once you design your a email strategy the system will automatically send these pre-set messages to the list, filter they answers and nurture them. Organisation should notice an increase of leads conversion to clients up to 30%.

Strategy 5- Evaluate your sales force potential. be sure the sales force is ready for it!

With a nurturing system in place, prospects will come back with a follow up request when they are ready to buy. Then the sales force should you use all the techniques that are essential to close directly the prospect and cash in. But are they ready to to face tough questions and close deals?

sales force evaluation answer a of questions among them:

  • How to increase the sales force closing rate up to 50% ?
  • what sales skills to they need to boost their sales?
  • how can they grow their sales by 20% in the coming 12 months?

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Sales Training Impact on sales representative and organizations
Increase Sales Performance Using Technology