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5 Sales Training Topics to Automate Sales Performance

Does the consistent delivery of Sales training topics will help sales performance?

Optimizing sales performance requires training with an edge. Addressing the right issues at the right time can leverage the performance of the entire sales time which can in turn bring a robust growth in the success graph of the company.

Training the sales team is of critical importance, because it is essentially this workforce that brings the real customers and the real bucks to the business. When you coach with the right attitude and target the key problems, success and growth automatically follow.

Wondering how you can excel in sales training to improve and automate sales performance? The following five topics demand your immediate attention! Focus on these key areas to bring an instant lift to your team’s performance.


Planning, Discovery and Sales Management

The most critical and important of all sales training topics, teaching sales reps how to plan, execute and discover profitable sales opportunities deserves special attention and consideration. Most sales training programs fail in the first place because while reps are trained how to bring in customers, they don’t know how to manage their growing responsibilities, discover new opportunities and plan for prospect goals.

Thus, it is important to train, motivate and encourage each sales rep to perform up to their full potential and drive them to achieve automated sales performance.


Popular sales training topics for this genre include

– Uncovering the needs and wants of the customer.
– How to understand the buyer mindset.
– Managing positive and negative feedback.


Lead Generation and Networking also as sales training topics

Today, there are more and more advanced mediums available to rake in sales and increase brand recognition and customer engagement. Training sales representatives on how to use these sales mediums to improve networking can be highly beneficial and can automate sales performance and customer retention to a large extent.


Popular sales training topics for this genre include

– Networking and referrals.
– Maximizing the use of technology in sales management.
– Creative selling skills.


Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is one of the most important abilities of a sales rep. A lot of people think that the quality is inborn, but with the right training and insight, any sales rep can negotiate with customers effectively and drive the company’s sales target to new heights. When training about negotiation, it is important to focus on the additional factors too which facilitate effective negotiation and help the sales reps connect to the customers on a more personal and relatable level.


Popular sales training topics for this genre include

– Negotiating and its relation to customer engagement.
– Winning over clients with presentations and communications.
– How to handle objections.


Customer Support Skills

The difference between an order taker and a sales person is the way they interact and communicate with the customers. Selling in the right way to the right people with the right approach is the main factor that will channel success and growth to your company. Building strong customer dealing skills is one of the most important sales training topics out there because it converts a customer to a loyal customer. Coaching sales rep on how to talk about the company and the products and how to sell a service instantly automates sales performance and results in positive results down the road.


Popular sales training topics for this genre include

– After sales services.
– Get more from a sale with a good closing.
– Increasing credibility in the eyes of the customer.


Communication and Relationship Building

Closing any sale on a positive note opens doors to multiple opportunities in the future. Not only does it result in customer loyalty, but also positive word of mouth for the organization in general; which can bring in more sales and more business in the the answer is a regular and continuous sales training topics to select based on the on time needs of the sales force.

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5 Sales Training Franchise Tips to Succeed in the GCC


Will a Sales training Franchise bring a high return on investment?

The sales department is the backbone of any business or organization, be it big or small.

From startup enterprises to established market pioneers, training the sales force and providing them the core knowledge of bringing in business is the first step towards corporate success. The very fact that sales training is the building block for any organization’s road to the top, makes a sales training franchise all the more important and increase their credibility as a smart business investment.

The Middle East and Gulf – Budding Ground for New Businesses is sales training franchise one of them?

The GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) is an emerging name in the market and is often coined as ‘golden future’ by entrepreneurs around the globe.  Countries like Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar are rapidly advancing in the corporate sector and more and more businesses are being set up in the Middle East with each passing day. As the number of businesses in the gulf region grows, the need for sales training also increases which means setting up a sales training franchise in GCC is a smart move at the moment.

However, to keep your sales training franchise up and running with the latest trends in the market, it is important to focus on the right training topics and informative material that can help business particularly focused in the Gulf region. To make sure that your enterprise is a success, here are a few sales training franchise tips to follow. Check them out:

1.     Realize Your Target Market

The first thing that a sales training franchise should focus on is the needs and wants of their target audience. The GCC market is not fully established – and most of the businesses in that region are small or mid-sized companies.

Teaching and training their in-house sales staff requires patience and understanding. The tip for success here is to start from the very beginning and focus on networking basics, handling meetings and training sessions, calling speeches and briefings and providing them the right tools to make the most out of their potential.

2.     Focus on Peoples’ Skills As Well As Customer Psyche

The fundamental secret of success for a sales training team is to master people’s skills and communication abilities. However, making the sales team realize the customer psyche and then approach the target market with the right attitude is also of extreme importance.

For a sales training franchise to excel in the GCC and Middle East, it is important to focus on both these points so that the in-house sales training team can win over more and more clients and spell instant success for their company!


3.     Understand Trends in sales training franchise

The trends and tides are changing and the sales market is no longer how it used to be a decade ago. Though face-to-face marketing is still there, it is online B2B sales and internet marketing that has taken the business world by storm. Thus, it is extremely important for a sales training franchise to make sure that these points are covered when training the sales personnel on approaching and communicating with customers.

4.     Growth Comes with Passion

Though pushing the team to perform up to their potential is important, sometimes it is just not enough. Motivating the sales personnel on an individual as well as team level is the secret of success for any sales training franchise. When training individuals, who are part of startups or small sized organizations, one should always realize the individual potential of every member of the team so that the opportunities of growth are maximized.

5.     Networking Never Stops

Researching and networking are the key criterions when it comes to a successful sales team. For a sales training franchise operating in GCC, it is important to make every team member familiar with the local market trends and work in conjunction to bring maximum sales conversion for the organization.

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5 Sales Management Training Rules Leaders Should Follow

To rise above as a leader, there are certain sales management training rules that one should follow.Working on a sales team, especially in a commanding position, is never an easy task.

Making the right team, allocating the right responsibilities, planning for positive goals, coaching every sales rep to perform and motivating and rewarding your team at every step are some of the top sought qualities that a leader must have.

Sales management is a complex area in itself, because it requires practicality couple with innovation. With restricted time constraints and resources, managing a team is indeed difficult but the following the sales management training rules can prove to be handy in developing and driving the performance of your sales team effectively. Take a look:

Let Responsibility Take Control

Set clear rules about what you expect from each member of your team and what you expect from them both on an individual and team level. When it comes to sales management training, a true leader is the one that pushes their team to perform and allocates the right responsibilities to the right people. There is always room for improvement and growth, so make sure that you inspect every move and take immediate action if someone is underachieving.


Don’t Let Fear Take Over

Gone are the days when leaders were dubbed as fearsome. While fear does have a way of driving sales people to perform, it can often turn out to be intimidating. As a leader, you should be respectable and authoritative, but also have a personal connection and relatable factor with those working with you.

Value Their Input using the right tool in sales management training

A great way to uplift spirits of the team and make every sales rep feel important is seeking their involvement and listening to their suggestions and feedback. Appreciation goes a long way on boosting the performance of the entire team. Rewarding hard work is a critical element of success and leaders should definitely follow this rule if they are looking for long term results.

Motivational backing and recognition always pays off in the favor of the organization. Leaders should take up a positive approach and reward positive abilities and traits of the sales team so that every individual feels valued. Celebrating success is often the best way to enjoy it to the fullest!

Find Motivating Elements

Every sales rep is different and is going to complete a task in a different manner. An important rule of sales management training that a leader should follow at all times is to realize the potential and unique abilities of each team member and motivate everyone individually for collective growth. Evaluating sales reps on their performance and providing feedback and support for growth and improvement can prove to be a vital trigger in the progress of the company.

Inspire Them to Perform

A great leader isn’t one who has to build a following – instead, people are compelled to retrace their steps. One of the most important rules of sales management training is to set a positive example for the team, which not just influences them but also inspires them to perform. Follow the L.E.A.D approach to lead your sales team to glory – i.e. be LOYAL to the organization, follow a strong work ETHIC, make sure your ATTITUDE signifies positivity and stay DETERMINED until the targets are met.

True leaders continue to experiment, inspire and motivate with their words and actions so that every individual can realize their full potential and play their role in achieving the set sales targets. At the end of the day, remember that sales management training is not a singular effort but a progressive approach that a leader has to innovate and reiterate continuously.

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Loyalty Programs in the Hospitality industry as a Sales Tool

“A loyalty program allows firms to create a relationship with their customers. Through this relationship, hospitality firms can offer products and services beyond the basics to add value to the customers by continually understanding their needs and anticipating their future desires” (Connell, 1992).

Today’s more aggressive market is focusing their objectives no longer merely on gaining new customers. Instead, in many industries, the importance of marketing objective has shifted from customer acquisition to customer loyalty (Shoemaker and Lewis, 1998).

“Customers don’t want to be treated equally. They want to be treated individually”.

Loyalty marketing is often expressed in a manner of ways, such as:

  1. relationship marketing
  2. one to one marketing
  3. customer centric marketing
  4. and frequency marketing.

However the appropriate term should be “loyalty marketing” as loyalty is the business objective.
Loyalty marketing is an approach based on strategic marketing.
The fundamental aim is to define profitable behaviour and consequently manage this relationship by designing a range of Initiatives to maintain and influence profitable behaviour.
Repeat purchase is rewarded and a channel of communication with customers is facilitated to encourage further repeat purchase.

Loyalty programs and the ROI syndrome?

The costs associated with taking care of loyal customers decline over time, while at the same time, sales from loyal buyers increase as a consequence of their loyal behavior.
Loyalty programs should be an integrated system of marketing procedures that has as main objective to turn customers more loyal thus push them to spend more money and increase sales.
For some customers, flexibility and facilities are the most important.
For others, availability and fidelity programs could turn into repeat visits.

Warning: Many companies treat loyalty programs as short-term promotional tools for their customers. As a result, customers become loyal to the programs rather than to the company.

The period between when an investment is made and the time to payback has become a liability that puts an otherwise strong loyalty business case in jeopardy. The key is to shorten the break-even time horizon and get that program into the black more quickly. Here are 2ways to minimize the time to payback and maximize a loyalty program’s business case:

  1. Share the cost.

Many of the efforts made for a loyalty program launch have ancillary benefits. Quantifying those benefits and lobbying to share the investment in those efforts with other groups that complement your business can spread costs and leverage economies of scale.

2. Find early payoffs.

Loyalty programs can benefit from establishing a few early “quick wins” — proving value and getting results at the beginning of a program’s life.

3. Use new technologies to enroll and engage.

Such industry sectors as quick-service and casual restaurants are aggressively launching loyalty initiatives. It is being driven in part by their ability to rely on new technologies to shrink the time to payback.
Starbucks, for instance, has created a program that takes much of the upfront cost of loyalty program enrollment away by leveraging their existing pre-loaded card platform for enrollment. Starbucks customers enroll in My Starbucks Rewards by registering their loadable card online. Once a customer reaches Gold status, Starbucks can justify the expense of issuing a new member card. Using the approach to shorten the time to payback can make that initial foray into loyalty much more pleasant for an organization.

Loyalty looks like a smarter investment when the break-even time horizon is in plain sight.

6 key loyalty program features

that will help attract new customers to your hotel and restaurant and keep current customers coming back for more:

1. Rewards
2. Reinforce loyalty through data mining
3. Utilize data as marketing tools to generate sales
4. Build Relationships
5. Produce Brand ambassadors
6. Target your deals

Attracting new customers and retaining current customers is essential to the survival and success of your hospitality business. It is not an option any more it is a must.

Creating relationships with your customers keeps them loyal to your brand and can make them advocates for your business. Loyalty programs are a great way attracts customers, keeps customers and converts them into advocates for your business.

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4 Sales training Tips that support your sales force goals

Companies need to compete hard today for their chunk of business, forcing them to think out of the box and come up with new strategies to jack up sales.

After a period, you need to go into a huddle, take stock of the situation and devise ways to tide over the challenges that have cropped up. When you do that, you survive and grow. When you don’t, you take the dip.

More often, roping in professional sales trainers does benefit. They may look at things with different perspective, bringing in fresh approach. Analyzing things without prejudice, they may be able to advise your sales team on their shortcomings, helping them to hone up their skills and adjust themselves to the new challenges.


Training Strategy

Seasoned trainers come up with a laser-focused sales training program on the step-by-step actions required to take sales to the next level. You may have put up a system to motivate your team to work hard, but motivation can go only that far on its own. For tangible results, it needs to be accompanied by a powerful, well thought out strategy. A sales training module will provide your managers with the input they need to reorganize themselves.


Identify specific Requirements

For any sales training to be really effective, it must be customized to the sales team’s specific requirements. Generic training content won’t be that useful as it may not always apply to your company’s products or services. You need to get the training module designed in a manner so that it brings most value for your investment.


Goal Oriented Sales Training

Sales training programs must trigger positive action, helping the team attain not just their short term but long term goals as well. These must help the participants with the capacity to plan efficiently to meet their sales objectives.

Training for sales managers would teach them how they can take proactive approach and guide their team to success. To get work done, you need to show a sense of urgency to your sales force. You have to push them to work fast and maintain tempo. If they are finding it hard close the leads, you need to show them the way.


Coaching Structure

A supportive coaching structure does help in attaining long-term sales training benefits. However, you need to make sure that coaching is an active, ongoing activity and not something that is done occasionally. Regular training does help in keeping the things on rail, ensuring team efficiency and cohesiveness. Based on the actions of the team, you are able to draw out new processes.

Getting sales people undergo sales training on regular, frequent basis helps improve their confidence and selling power. Moreover you also need to keep in mind that sales is not a one-size-fits-all program. A training module needs to be developed factoring in the team’s strengths, weakness and the challenges. After all, the objective of sales training is to overcome the impediments.


In House option

Usually, in-house sales training courses ( should be held more than once a year. Markets change fast so it does help to arrange training sessions to help sales professionals perform to their potential.


Resource Box

The author of the article is associated with WIN Sales & Marketing Programs, one of the leading sales training companies ( offering programs worldwide.

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4 Sales training Tips that support your sales force goals