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  • priyal
    9:37 - 23 janvier, 2015

    Interesting article ! Its age of Solutions Marketing. With the advancement of technologies firms have larger target group to market their offerings. This has led to hard selling as firms are playing on law of averages the more customers you talk to, more chances of getting a sale.

    Solutions marketing focuses on customizing the sales process to solve an issue or help increase profitability of its client. It re creates old philosophy of engaging with customers to build customer loyalty as a investing in Loyal Customer is lower than high investments in gaining new customers. In this age of digital everyone is accessible but we’re still selling it to humans who need value differentiation offerings not just price benefit.

    • Selling a way of Life!
      10:17 - 23 janvier, 2015

      Great Comment Priyal. Sales and Marketing Solutions are crucial to be implemented more than ever. Companies that need to live in the coming decade need to adopt new sales effectiveness and Marketing process, tools and techniques. As you mentioned in the age of digital everyone is accessible and every company need to be part of the game. It is becoming easier and faster than ever before to implement it.

  • priyal
    9:37 - 23 janvier, 2015

    Interesting article ! Its age of Solutions Marketing. With the advancement of technologies firms have larger target group to market their offerings. This has led to hard selling as firms are playing on law of averages the more customers you talk to, more chances of getting a sale.

    Solutions marketing focuses on customizing the sales process to solve an issue or help increase profitability of its client. It re creates old philosophy of engaging with customers to build customer loyalty as a investing in Loyal Customer is lower than high investments in gaining new customers. In this age of digital everyone is accessible but we’re still selling it to humans who need value differentiation offerings not just price benefit.

    • Selling a way of Life!
      10:17 - 23 janvier, 2015

      Great Comment Priyal. Sales and Marketing Solutions are crucial to be implemented more than ever. Companies that need to live in the coming decade need to adopt new sales effectiveness and Marketing process, tools and techniques. As you mentioned in the age of digital everyone is accessible and every company need to be part of the game. It is becoming easier and faster than ever before to implement it.

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